Wednesday, November 16, 2016

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Image result for thanksgiving

   Thanksgiving is celebrated in different parts of the world. When The U.S celebrated thanksgiving they invited the Native Americans to join them on their feast. In return the Native Americans killed 5 deers to take to the dinner but originally there was no turkey and they did not make this an annual tradition. In 1789 on a thursday of November 26 when George Washington made the first national thanksgiving feast in the U.S. but still not a tradition until the 19th century. Sera Josepha Hale an American Writer wanted to remake the american feast again and in 1827 she was fighting to make it a national holiday but did not succeed until 1857. Then she made any recipes of thanksgiving food like pumpkin pie and turkey.

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I am thankful for this great year I had and the time i spent at school.
3. The food provided by my parent
4. Being able to go to school
5.  For the opportunity that my brother had to go to college
6. The support than other gave me
7. The wonderful parents i have
8. For the time i spent with my friends and family
9. The good health my family have had
10. For the opportunity i have been given to help other in need
11. All the wonderful people that help me build up
12. The joy, sadness, and happiness in my life.

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