Wednesday, June 7, 2017

                 "You will go far with CTR" 

                                                         By: Mr. Haymore 

      When people say to be good and do good is becasue it is the best choice to make becasue if you do whats right then nothing could go wrong and you will have no problem with anybody.  This is a good thing becasue as long as you don't  do anything wrong and bad you will be successful and if you are successful  it means that you are growing as a person because you never did anything bad or maybe you did but you learned your lesson and you are just following the CTR path. You will always be successful as long as you do not make a mistake and hurt others becasue you did something that you will regret later when all you freedom is taken away because of all the things you have done and the suffering you caused. If you just chose the right nothing can go wrong and you will go very far and do great things that will help others and yourself. It is always best to make the right decisions at the right time.  

                         Class Evaluation 

1.    The things I liked about this class is that it is a very peaceful classroom. It is one of the classrooms that I do not have to worry about anybody distracting me and don't have to worry about the class being noisy and distracting me from doing my work.

2.  The things I did not like about the class is the amount of learning we do. For example when we research about a medical career, We should talk/discuss about what colleges/Universities teaches or dedicates themselves to that major.  Another thing is that we should read online articles together about any topic that applies to medicine.

3.  Types of learning and add more things to the medical career pathway. And I explain 2 suggestions in question number 2, which i think might help the new students more a lot more if they apply themselves to this class.

4.   The highlights in this class is when we can research on any career we want and it is very informative and i really think it will help me in the future in order to decide what will i major in. I really like when we have a chance to do this becasue it makes me learn about the career and help me decide in what will i study in the future and if it will be a good fit for me and if they get paid enough.

5.  I really tried hard in this class in the first semester but later on in the second semester i forgot about doing my homework and forgot about turning in things and i should have not done that because it really affected my grade but i got a grip and was and am pulling myself up again to finish off strong because i want to leave this class with a good grade and be proud of myself becasue of what i accomplished and the new things i learned.

6.   I really don't read my goals journal that long i grab any extra time i have to read my goals journals and really think about any new goals but sometimes i just have small basic ones and really difficult ones that might take long to complete but overall i think i might complete all of them but i need to read them more becasue i sometimes skip a day or two on not reading them and i should make that a goal for the summer because i will continue to write goals and completing them becasue i feel it will help me in the future and will help me be successful and more organized of where and what i what i want to do and go.

7.  I am committed on being a ctr person because it teaches you a lot about the kind of choices you do everyday and then not even realizing if you are being a ctr person or a ctw person. I will be and continue to be a ctr person and will always respect my values and morals and also my character becasue that is  what matters most. I will follow the ctr path to the very end because this class teached me how to follow what i believe and improve everyday.

Monday, June 5, 2017

   THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is to be a CTR Person- to always Choose THE RIGHT 24/7!!!

                                                             By: Mr. Haymore   

            In every day life we all have choices to make and usually have two options. We always make a choice of what to wear and what you gonna do and if your going to go to school or if your going to wake up. There are may more choices you make and nobody actually wonders or ask themselves if they be will have a Ctr attitude or a ctw attitude. They must make that choice becasue that will help them make all the good choices. We must stand up for the choices we made either bad or good becasue we decided to do that we have a choice and no one forced us to make that decision. We must face the mistake we had created even if you regret it later. You must not blame your mistake on others becasue you could have stand alone but you knew you were doing the right instead of just keeping it cool with your gang just becasue you were afraid of speaking up and saying that is wrong to do. This is very important becasue this effects us as people and we must face this because you knew the consequences when you make the wrong choice and you know the reward when doing good. It is important for everyone to have a ctr persons attitude becasue that is the best attitude anyone can have and it will help you in life and you will never regret that decision of making the right choice. 

  Choose any topic of your choice to research 


Why did you choose this topic?

I chose this topic becasue this is something that i personally like and something that i really enjoy learn about and i admire the people who create this. The whole process fascinates me.

Describe the topic: 

Animation is something that nobody realizes it's there and they just think that when someone make a animation movie it just takes a few days or weeks to do. I appreciate all the hard work that put into it for example the Artist who draw, designs, creates the character, then the person who organizes the story, the ones who designs the plot and the scenery. Also the ones who put all the it together, which are the editors and the revise everything to make sure it is good and then lastly the people who audition to be the voice actor of that particular character. I enjoy learning about this and wish to continue on and someday create one myself. The type of animation i love the most is anime and that is becasue it is all drawn digitally and has to go step by step drawing the motion of the person and the scenery.  Many people still think that Animation is easy but you have to have a own unique imagination. It is important becasue you do not want to copy someone else work and take credit for it. You want to make your own anime/ animation and or drawing style unique. This also apply's to the story, the character's personality and the abilities. If you can make something your own and make it great then your all set because no one would like to see something that is exactly the same as another movie. You must be creative and use the best drawing style and make it your own and imagine a great story and create something that someone has not seen. This is what i think animation is all about and even though it requires a lot of work i still love it and still fascinates me.  Everyone should learn the process and if they like it great it they don't also great.  Animation is really interesting and I admire the company funimation. 
Image result for process of animation


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Beautiful Character "If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world" Chinese Proverb 

Image result for beauty in character

In Every person there is some kind of positive and negative because that is just how peoples emotions are. They will affect the person and everyone around you and eventually spread. For example if you are mad then you scream at you sister, then your sister is mad and it keeps spreading to the family and they might contact someone and be rude to them and they might keep spreading it to everyone and it affects the community. It is important to stay calm with you emotions. Your character matters most and there is always beauty in every person. Choosing the wrong is example of bad character and helping others is an example of a beautiful character. These good actions  can help everyone and teach them how to help others and this can help the nation be at peace with each other and this can help the world be at peace. Peace is a good thing becasue there is no worries and nothing that you need to do becasue just by one good action it can all spread. 

                        Yoga Therapist 

Duties and Responsibilities: 

  • keep their clients healthy and safe
  •  They ensure client flexibility and fitness through various yoga techniques
  • must recognize the abilities of clients
  • Keep close eye on them for no injury 


Average: $40,970
Most: $70,180
Least: $18,690


  • Most of fitness trainers do not have any form of education but most of them have a high school diploma and they go to a type of training programs 

Demand Or need for this profession:

  • Training program
  • 200 hours basic certification
  • 500 hours professional certification 

Picture:                                Image result for yoga therapist  

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? why? why not? 

I would not like to be one because i am not flexible and capable to do this kinds of jobs. Also because this is not in the field that i want to study.