Wednesday, October 5, 2016

student success statement


                                                 By: James E. Faust 

 "When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."   In life their is always obedience and its a great part of your life. Obey the law, obey your parents, and yourself.  Obedience is the key to happiness and if you obey yourself and everyone around you no one will stop you from being happy. We all have the do the right thing and keep everyone satisfied with the obedience we have shown. When you disobey no one will be able to trust you again but you have to stop yourself because if you do as you been told you will feel satisfied with yourself and happy that you did the right thing. When you obey other may learn to trust you and will be able to have everyone trust as long ans you choose the right and obey.