"If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of."
Rachel Castillo
When do something good for others or just for you and you know it's right then you have nothing to worry about becasue you alone are protecting yourself. When you avoid fighting you already have no problems and nothing/no one that will try to hurt you becasue you handled the situation the correct way. You have to live your life to the fullest and must make the right choices to feel good and not regret all the good thing you have done becasue everyone you have helped will honor you and respect you. Trust is the most important thing you can have and can be won by doing what's right and others will appreciate you and learn to trust you.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
The Neurosurgeon
Duties and responsibilities:
"Brain surgeons, also known as neuorsurgeons, examine, diagnose and surgically treat disorders of the nervous system. Training to become a brain surgeon requires a 6-7 year neurosurgical residency following four years of medical school, but qualified brain surgeons receive some of the highest salaries of all medical health professionals. This career is physically and intellectually demanding and requires excellent hand dexterity and hand-eye coordination." http://study.com/articles/Brain_Surgeon_Job_Description_Salary_Duties_and_Requirements.html
Salary: Median salary $559,255
Education: Medical degree
Requirements: Neurosurgery residency
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? No I would not like to be a Neurosurgeon because it is not something that I am passionate about.
Friday, February 24, 2017
“Right is right only when entire”
By: Victor Hugo
When you say part of the truth it just makes it a whole lie because if you do not include the whole truth and delete part of the truth it's still considered a lie because you were not honest and said everything. You should be honest and say all the things and not miss out on anything, this kind of behavior will help people respect you and trust you. For example a boy goes out with his friends and went to a bar and then go each at a fast food restaurant and when he comes back home his mom asks him where did he go, and he says to each and walk around. Although what he said was true he still did not say that he went to a bar.
The Naturopathic Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities:
“A naturopathic physician is a doctor who blends modern scientific medical practice and knowledge with natural and traditional forms of medical treatment.” “A Naturopathic Physician is a specialized type of doctor.” ”https://www.sokanu.com/careers/naturopathic-physician/
median hourly wage of $35.92.
start from $18.96 and go up to $65.36.
“In Canada and the U.S., this begins with pre-med university studies which is usually a four-year bachelor of science degree. Next is a three- or four-year medical doctor degree, followed by post-graduate specialty training. Up to four years of hospital residency is also required. Getting accepted into most MD programs is a very competitive process, and students must meet certain criteria, including high grade averages.” https://www.sokanu.com/careers/naturopathic-physician/education/
- Personality Requirements
- Interest Requirements
- Skills Preferences
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would not like to be a Naturopathic Doctor because It is does not seem interesting in my opinion and i would not like to have a job like this but maybe others would like this job. Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Military Medical
Duties and responsibilities:
“Health care professionals who serve as Officers in the U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) enjoy a wide range of opportunities and financial incentives. There are benefits, tangible and intangible, available to Officers who choose to serve full-time in the Army.” http://www.cs.amedd.army.mil/amedd_career.aspx#Soldiers
“Dental Officer Accession Bonus of $75,000 Variable Specialty Pay of $3,000 to $12,000 annually, based on length of service Board Certified Pay of $2,500 to $6,000 annually for board-certified dentists Dental Additional Special Pay of $4,000 to $15,000, based on creditable service Dental Officer Multiyear Retention Bonus of $13,000 to $50,000 annually, based on specialty and length of contract Provides up to $120,000 to pay down qualifying dental school loans through the Active Duty Health Professions Loan Repayment Program; participants receive $40,000 per year for three years” http://www.goarmy.com/amedd/health-care/benefits.html
Education: “You may be eligible for $75,000 in Special Pay. To receive this bonus, paid in three yearly increments of $25,000, we require completion of a residency in a qualifying specialty. Open to permanent U.S. residents.” http://www.goarmy.com/amedd/physician/benefits.html
“ From continuing education courses and seminars to clinical research and teaching you`ll be able to enhance your level of expertise. The AMEDD Center & School offers 5 Masters Degree Programs and 7 Doctoral Programs to those who qualify.”http://www.cs.amedd.army.mil/amedd_career.aspx
Requirements:”Active Army professionals are members of a multidisciplinary team focused on providing the best health care possible. Training begins at the AMEDD Center & School and offers a wide array of experience and opportunities within your respective field.”http://www.cs.amedd.army.mil/amedd_career.aspx
Friday, February 17, 2017
“ Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”
By: George Washington
If you fill your life surrounded by kind, responsible people you will be the same kind and responsible. If you surround yourself with bad people you will be the same because you learn from the people around you and stick with what they do. It's better to find the people you need in your life nice and slow than in a rush and find bad people that will only hurt you and your life. Meanwhile while your looking it's better to be alone than with bad company and in the right time the people that will encourage you and are an example to you then wait till that moment comes. Stand alone if you have to and you know that you are doing the correct thing and you will feel good because you did not do the wrong thing. Don’t let others be a bad influence and just let them be and just walk away because you don’t want those kind of people running your life and like in regret and despair. Make the right choice and just be alone till you find those kind people.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
“Presidents day”
What is Presidents day?
“Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government. Traditionally celebrated on February 22—Washington’s actual day of birth—the holiday became popularly known as Presidents’ Day after it was moved as part of 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act, an attempt to create more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers.” http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/presidents-day#
When is it?
“Presidents’ Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February.”http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/presidents-day#
What are several way to show honor and respect on Presidents day?
- Respect the U.S Soldiers and hard workers
- Respect the flag
- Save the tradition
How can you show honor and respect on the president's day?
- Hope for the best to our Leaders of this country
Monday, February 13, 2017
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Chris Paul
Chris Paul is a great basketball player that had played basketball because his grandfather encouraged him to play because one day Chris and his brother were playing and told them to join a team because they were really good. Sohe joined his school basketball team and played every game for his grandfather because his grandfather always went to his games and watched them play. So when Chris was in 11th grade they announced him as greatest basketball player of the school then in 12 grade they announced his president of the school and best player of the state.
Then the time came when he was offered a scholarship for the basketball team in a good college/university and all his family went to the school and all his friends were there and teachers and his father went and saw him sign the papers but then he found out that his grandfather died and he dedicated 61 points for his grandfather and did not give up.
“In Life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalposts are”
Arnold H. Glasgow
What this quote of Arnold H. Glasgow means that if you have your goals set and see a great future ahead of yourself you will make it if you have set your goals and trying to make them come true. If you go the right way you will find you goals completed along the way. You won’t go far if you are not ready to face on the challenges and obstacles if you don’t set your goals like the goals you need not the ones you want. You need to have some challenges and inspiration like a motivation of you completing your goals and if you trip and fall get back up because your goals won’t go anywhere until you complete them. There is always going to be a new challenge every time but you have to learn that those challenges are the things that help you move on because you want to try to beat it and encourage you to do good and to complete your goals. You need to know what you are doing with your life and where are you headed and learn what to do and how to set your goals to carry out your life how you want it and there are many goals you can set but you are starting at zero and could make it at the top if you desire but you have to apply yourself 1000% in order to make your goals come true.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Make great content videos and do anything they like or what they are passionate about. The only responsibility they have is to follow the youtube rules. They get to teach or entertain kids, adults anyone with their content like makeup, DIY’s, or even gameplays.
“Then you can get as much as $5 or $10 per 1,000 views. That's why you see a lot more videos around Christmas. On average, I'd say it's about $2 to $3 per 1,000. Making a living on YouTube is only for the biggest of channels, but the average user is able to earn some pocket money.” https://www.quora.com/How-much-money-can-an-average-user-on-YouTube-earn-from-a-video
For this particular career you don’t really need any education but you can apply your career choice to youtube and make a video showing another how to do something. Like if you are a professional teacher and want to make videos teaching others and that is the sort of this you can do in this career.
- Follow rules
- Create channel
- Kid Friendly content
Do you think you like to be one?why or why not?
Yes because it is something i am really passionate about and will do all i can to study animationa and have a part time job in youtube. :3
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
“Only those live who do good.”
By: Count Leo Tolstoy
The good people are the ones who are actually thankful for this life they have and they do good thing to help others and do what makes them happy. Then there is the people who had made bad choices and they are just living with fear, hatred or regrets and they just wish they can die or they just live to hurt others. The people who do good are the ones who live too the fullest and not complain what they have and what not and they are thankful to their parents for the sacrifices they make for them. You have to see the world as a great opportunity of being big and making the right choices and not falling into the madness of the world and becoming the bad people who only care about themselves and do thing to hurt others. You can be a great example to small children or adults to be more outgoing and look everything on the bright side with seriousness and honesty. Not to the horrible things in the world with negativity or ambition don’t be like other and just make the right choice and someone will that you for it.
Friday, February 3, 2017
“I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice that anything else, and i can change that(poverty). It depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it.”
Dr. Ben Carson
Ben carson has lived through a lot and was once poor in his childhood. He learned how to work hard to go up and succeed in life and all thanks to his mother making him read a book. He is giving advice to not slack off and if you do it’s your choice because you were the one who made that decision. Everyone is responsible for their actions and choices. You decide to work hard to change you position, current state and you can change that if you apply yourself in education and working and you know you did that fair and square because you started at the bottom and pulled yourself to the top. Their might be people in a situation worst than you and wished that they have what you have and you don’t even appreciate it, and you should make the most of it. You can change your destiny all you need to do is apply yourself to what you need to and try very hard to improve your life and thank your parents for the sacrifice they are making in order for you to have a great education. Dream Big Give Big!
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
“Even if everyone is doing it, Wrong is never right.”
Russell M. Nelson
Just Because 50% percent of the people in the world is doing drugs, cheating, lying it does not mean you can do it. Since when was wrong right just because other do it does not mean its right and you can do it. You have to make the right choice to have others make the same good choice you did and be the example everyone need in the world. You have to stand up to what's right and if someone make the wrong choice you tell them your opinion and what was the correct thing to do. If you stand alone or get laughed at who cares because you will feel good because you did good and they will feel bad because they chose the bad. In your heart you will be in peace and have nothing to worry about and good karma will come you way for the doing whats right.
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