Tuesday, November 29, 2016

“Kindness is the essence of greatness.”
                                         By: Joseph B. Wirthlin
Image result for By: Joseph B. Wirthlin

In this world there is no such thing as a great man if they are not kind to others because kindness is the key to greatness. If someone truly desires to be great person they must act like it by kindness because the kindness is the ticket to greatness and everyone will admire you and follow the right path.
Thanksgiving week

 This thanksgiving week we had off,was a very calm week and spent it with my brother and sister. Early in the week i sat down and read a book because i had lots of time to waste. Then later on the week the routine was the same. Then the day of thanksgiving in the morning my mom and sister and myself went to the movie theater to watch Moana. Later on the day my mom left to work and my brother stayed shopping. So then my sister and i ate noodle soup and pizza and that was our great thanksgiving dinner. It was Black Friday and all the people went crazy for everything and my dad also. My dad wanted to go to the mall because the the sales going on and he bought me and my sister something.Then Sunday i finished the little homework i did not finish in the week and continued my day sitting in the living room watching TV.

Friday, November 18, 2016

   “Manners maketh man.”

William w.

Image result for “Manners maketh man.”

Education of parents is the most important type of education to children because how their parents teach them that is how they are going to be when they grow up. Parents should be inform if they do not teach their kids good manners their kid will struggle in life because he might be disrespectful towards other and might be hated. If this happens they will be a bad person for going in the wrong path, parents should take the time to teach children manners for future opportunities in order for them to become good people. In life there should be respect towards other inorder for them to be well and fit in society and be in the good side with manners.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”                          By: Marcus Aurelius

Image result for Marcus Aurelius
 This quote is basically saying that any bad action that is offered to you, do not do it because deep in you, you don’t want to do it and you know it’s wrong and should give it up. And if you did something wrong and trying to cover it up with a lie because with that one lie you are affecting many other people and if you say some lie it's better to not say it.

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Image result for thanksgiving

   Thanksgiving is celebrated in different parts of the world. When The U.S celebrated thanksgiving they invited the Native Americans to join them on their feast. In return the Native Americans killed 5 deers to take to the dinner but originally there was no turkey and they did not make this an annual tradition. In 1789 on a thursday of November 26 when George Washington made the first national thanksgiving feast in the U.S. but still not a tradition until the 19th century. Sera Josepha Hale an American Writer wanted to remake the american feast again and in 1827 she was fighting to make it a national holiday but did not succeed until 1857. Then she made any recipes of thanksgiving food like pumpkin pie and turkey.

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I am thankful for this great year I had and the time i spent at school.
3. The food provided by my parent
4. Being able to go to school
5.  For the opportunity that my brother had to go to college
6. The support than other gave me
7. The wonderful parents i have
8. For the time i spent with my friends and family
9. The good health my family have had
10. For the opportunity i have been given to help other in need
11. All the wonderful people that help me build up
12. The joy, sadness, and happiness in my life.

Monday, November 14, 2016

“Doing what is right,fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”

                               By:  Chick Moorman

Image result for Chick Moorman

       Winning is a good feeling to have because you proved yourself you can do it and the feeling of losing is teaches you how to do better next time and how you can improve. A better feeling is than winning and losing is doing what's right because once you do a good action and you know that you did something that can benefit someone else but you gain nothing. It is a great feeling know that you helped someone out without anything back. It's better to be fair about the situation and do the right thing and not the feeling of winning or losing it better the feeling of helping and be honorable.
People will see you with respect and gratitude towards you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

             Veterans Day
                                                           November 11
What?:  Veterans day is a federal holiday honors the brave men and women of the armed forces who risk their lives to protect our freedom. They include members of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard, Air Force, and the Coast Guard.

When?: Friday November, 11

Why?: The purpose is to celebrate the end of the war in 1918 and end the suffering of fellow comrades. To thank all the people who sacrificed themselves in the war.

Why?: We show honor in veterans day because we stand proud and enjoy our freedom that all the war members gave to us.

Honor and respect on veterans day:
  1. Visit a wounded veteran at the hospital.
  2. Offer your home repair skills to a veteran or military family.
  3. Create an online neighborhood user group that can be used to share information about neighborhood activities, recommend reliable repair companies, and find babysitters. An online group may also help identify the needs of your neighbors.
  4. Volunteer your financial, legal, or career expertise via MilServe.
  5. Deliver a meal or care packages to veterans.
Image result for veterans dayImage result for veterans day

Reflection: I feel very grateful towards the people who risked their lives to free us and they all deserve to rest in peace and thank them that we all have freedom thanks to them. We would not be here if it was not for them.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Student success statement
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”  
By: proverbs

  Teens are always influenced by one of the people they hang out and they can have good influence on them or bad but the most important thing is that you don’t want to become like them. They must not become like them because if they do they will just be another bad influence to others. In order to stay good do good and you should try to be one of those good influence. Teens are very gullible to the situation they are in and just go with it. Don’t get fooled and don’t get dragged to the bad side of the story.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

“The best recreation is to do good”
                                 Image result for william penn

                       By: William Penn

   When we want to change something of ourselves we must change for the better not for the worst. We recreate of ourselves  because we must learn how to find the good type of change that be better for this world. We must be the change we want to see in this world.